Land Branch


Land Branch


The Land Branch is one of the main Branches of the Land and Survey, Department. It is under the charge of the Assistant Director (Land).


  • To provide professional advice and services on land administration to internal and external clients;
  • To administer and manage land effectively and efficiently;
  • To administer land in accordance with government aspirations and policies;
  • To manage the alienation of state land so that maximum benefits can be accrued to the community at large;
  • To regulate the registration dealing and other transactions on land; and
  • To generate and collect revenue.


1) Land Administration Section
The main function of this Section is to process any application for land for development such as for commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural, recreational, office, institutional or any other purposes.

Other than that, it is also responsible for processing applications for Permission to Deal (Transfer / Charge / Sublease), application for variation of title condition (AVTC) and subdivision, and application for renewal of land leases (RLL). 

2) Revenue Section
The Revenue Section is responsible for collecting land premium, land rent or any other miscellaneous fees and land charges.

3) Land Registry Section

The Section is responsible for registering land instruments presented for registration such as Memorandum of Transfer, Memorandum of Charge, Memorandum of Sublease, Memorandum of Surrender and Alienation, Memorandum of Surrender and Re-Alienation, new land titles, replacement of lost title, and etcetera.

>> Specified fees for registration of title and instruments

4) Adjudication Section
The Adjudication Section is responsible for adjudicating the ownership of land systematically under the provision of Part V of the Land Code (Cap 81).

5) NCR New Initiative

What is NCR (Native Customary Rights) New Initiative?

The State and Federal Governments, under the Government Transformation Program have agreed to resolve the issue of land ownership. The initiative commenced in October 2010 and continues under the Malaysia Plan (Tenth and Eleventh). Perimeter surveys are being carried out across all divisions. To ensure continuous support and better understanding with the various communities under this initiative, briefings and dialogues at divisional and villages level are held.

A two implementation stages:

(i) First stage: perimeter survey to delineate NCR from state land. The NCR land will be gazetted as a Native Communal Reserve under Section 6 of the State Land Code for the exclusive use of the community concerned. Gazettement provides security of ownership for the landowners.

(ii) NCR landowners then must determine the boundaries of their land within the gazetted Native Communal Reserve to enable the Department of Land and Survey to carry out individual survey for issuance of land title under Section 18 of the State Land Code.


(i) to carry out survey on all land in Sarawak and to bring them onto the Land Register;
(ii) to confirm the boundaries of rights of natives to land and to bring such land onto the register for security of tenure;
(iii) to identify the boundaries of state land not subject to claims for the purpose of planning and development; and
(iv) to replace Pre Land Code titles such as various types of  Occupation Tickets, Rubber Garden Certificates and Squatter's License.


For further information, please contact: 

Land Branch,
Headquaters: 6082-
374555 ext. 8604; or 
relevant Divisional Offices.



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