Survey Branch


Survey Branch



The Survey Branch of the Land and Survey Department, Headquarters under the charge of the Assistant Director (Survey), is responsible for processing, managing, storing and maintaining spatial data acquired and survey related activities carried out in the state.



To maintain and manage reliable geospatial data to support efficient land administration.


  1. Providing geodetic controls in the State.
  2. Carrying out aerial photography survey.
  3. Compiling and producing topographic, thematic and town maps of Sarawak.
  4. Sale of restricted and unrestricted maps of Sarawak, survey plans, aerial photographs and orthophotos.
  5. Overseeing cadastral survey works carried out by both Government Surveyors and Licensed Land Surveyors in the state and ensuring the standard of survey work is maintained and that survey practices are in accordance with the Survey Branch technical requirements and the Land Surveyors Ordinance, 2001.
  6. Storing and maintaining spatial data acquired by the Department.

Sections under Survey Branch

The Survey Branch consists of five (5) main sections.

Geodetic Survey Section

The Geodetic Survey Section is responsible for the establishment of geodetic control network and maintenance of existing Tellurometer Traverse Station (TT) and Standard Traverse Geodimeter (STG) traverse stations in Sarawak. The Geodetic Survey Section is entrusted to ensure that sufficient higher order control stations are available for cadastral survey to be carried out by the respective Divisional offices.  Apart from establishing TT & STG control stations, this section also carried out pre-marking and post-marking survey required by Photogrammetry Section for topographic mapping purposes.

For more information regarding types of survey controls, please click here.

Project Survey Section

The Project Survey Section at Land and Survey Headquarters is fully responsible for the monitoring of surveys for all Government development projects and to ensure that the surveys are completed on schedule and as budgeted. This section is also entrusted to plan, prepare, issue, check, and approve cadastral controls, land acquisition surveys, or perimeter surveys under contract survey jobs issued to Licensed Land Surveyors, financed either by the Land and Survey Department Development Fund or by statutory bodies / other government agencies. Besides that, this section is also responsible for the monitoring on the performance of appointed Licensed Land Surveyors in the state.

Cartography Section

The Cartography Section is entrusted with the responsibility of producing and maintaining topographic, thematic and town maps of Sarawak. These maps are classified into Restricted and Unrestricted maps and are available for general information and usage of Government agencies, statutory bodies and the general public, upon application. Maps, aerial photographs / orthophoto are classified as restricted items. Requests for supply of these restricted maps and aerial photographs are subjected to the prior security clearance granted by the Royal Malaysia Police. However, requests for the supply of other unrestricted maps are not subjected to security clearance and may be purchased directly at the Sale Counter at all Land and Survey Department Divisional Offices and Cartography Section at Land and Survey Headquarters, Menara Pelita.

Additional information on procedure to purchase map/aerial photographs.

Photogrammetry Section

The main function of the Photogrammetry Section is to produce topographical maps in the form of machine plots throughout the State required for development project such as land development schemes, plantation schemes, drainage and irrigation schemes, urban and rural planning, and other feasibility studies for development programs. This section produces Digital Topographical Data, Digital Terrain Model, Digital Urban Map, and Orthophoto Maps for State Development projects and Geographical Information System (GIS). Department acquired and utilized Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) completed with system to support the existing airborne aerial survey, and utilized mobile LIDAR to acquire data needed for 3D city modeling. In 2018, 3D Unit was established under Photogrammetry Section based on the recent development in technology. This unit is entrusted with the responsibility to produce 3D data and to form 3D City Model Profile for Sarawak State. This data is utilized by the State Planning Unit to aid relevant authorities in the making of prompt decisions.

Photolitho Section

The main function of this section includes binding of books, printed documents and reports for Departmental use. This section is also responsible in the producing of land rent payment booklets, titles, and other restricted documents. Besides that, this section produces special folders for Land Registers, Land Titles Instruments and other legal documents.



For further information, please contact:

Survey Branch
Headquarters: 6082 444 111 ext. 8201; or
relevant Divisional offices


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