Planning Branch
The main objective of the Planning Branch is to control and regulate the land usage to ensure physical development plans are implemented in accordance with a predetermined procedure and in line with the objectives of the government's development plan.
- To monitor and process development applications that involve land conversion, amalgamation and land subdivision (AVTC) / subdivision / amalgamation of land);
- Processing applications by government agencies;
- Processing applications for construction of telecommunication towers;
- Application for Wayleave ;
- Designing layout plans for land development plans such as the Greater Plan, Master Plan, Structure Plan, Local Plan, Kampung Extension Scheme, Resettlement Scheme, service centers, land use plans and roading plans.
- Processing applications for temporary land use such as kindergartens, nursery child care centres and etc;
- Processing Subdivision Plan / Amalgamation and Subdivision Plan, Engineering Plan, Building Plan and deposit the Survey Plan; and
- To assess the reports relating to feasibility studies, regional center studies, EIA and others either by government agencies or the private sector.
Core Business
Planning Branch consists of five (5) main sub-section:-
1. Development Control Section
The responsibility of the Development Control Section is to process applications for planning approval and development of lands or buildings.
The main functions of the Branch are to process applications for:-
- subdivision of land;
- variation of title conditions (AVTC) without subdivision;
- AVTC / amalgamations / subdivision / development of land(s) or buildings;
- reclassification of lands involving development on the affected land(s);
- building plans in compliance with the Sarawak Buildings Ordinance;
- depositing of survey plans;
- siting and construction of telecommunication towers;
- temporary use of lands and / or buildings such as childcare, nursery, kindergarten and tuition centres.
2. Siting Section
Siting is the process by which Government agencies obtain sites or land for the development of Government institutions and establishments. Sites are identified jointly with applicants (client agencies) and recommended for the decision of the State Planning Authority. Siting include application for sites by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s) including religious bodies, for religious and charitable purposes. Siting also covers legalization (Pemutihan) of existing establishments such as cemetery or government buildings.
3. Urban Planning, Design and 3D Section
Plan for Rural Service Center | 3D Modelling |
Urban Planning, Design and 3D Section's role is to provide and produce various types of plans such as structure plans, local plan, service centre, kampung extension scheme, resettlement scheme, landscape plan and roading plans while the 3D Unit is responsible for transforming 2D proposed plan into a 3D virtual reality presentation for the State Planning Authority meeting.
4. Regional Planning and Research Section
The Research and Regional Study Section is responsible to do assessment on research relating to feasibility studies, regional centre studies, Environmental Impact Assessment and others either by government agencies or private parties such as plantation or large scale mixed-use development, study on establishment of Rural Growth Centre (RGC), Transport Planning Study and Social Impact Assessment.
For further information, please contact:
Planning Branch
Headquarters : +6082 444111 ext. 8301 or
relevant Divisional offices