Valuation Branch
Valuation Branch is responsible for managing land acquisition in accordance with the Government Development Programs. Besides that, it is resposible for assessing promptly all fees due to the Goverment as well as to provide profesional advice to Goverment Agencies.
To ensure land required for implementation of government development projects are made available timely.
1. To carry out compulsory Land Acquisition
*Please refer to Relevant Provisions of the Land Code Pertaining To Land Acquisition.
2. Providing Assessment of Premium and Annual Rent for
- Application for Variation of Title Condition (AVTC)
- Direct Alienation
- Renewal of Land Leases (RLL)
- Annual Rent
3. Miscellaneous Valuation Services such as
- Rental Assessment
- Assessment for Student Loan Purposes
- Assessment of Fee Payable for Temporary Occupation Licence (TOL)
- Auction by the High Court
In line with the Cabinet's approval on 16.6.2022, to revise the land tax rate in Sarawak under the "3rd State Wide Rent Rivision Exercise" effective 1st January 2023 for all
The meaning of land use except for land use is as follows:
(i) Residential land; And
(ii) Agricultural land that is less than 100 acres.
The Land Tax Schedule effective 1.1.2023 is as follows;
For further information, please contact:
Valuation Branch,
Headquaters :6082-374555 ext. 8501; or
relevant Divisional Offices.