

111 land owners in Samarahan receive compensation totalling RM20 mln

Posted on 14 Mar 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post
Awang Tengah (front row, fifth right) in a group photo with recipients of the land compensation cheques and other officials at the Kota Samarahan Civic Centre. Also seen are Abdullah (front row, sixth right), Naroden (front row, third right) and Idris (front row, fourth right). — Photo by Matthew Umpang

KOTA SAMARAHAN (March 14): Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan yesterday presented compensation cheques worth RM20 million to 111 land owners whose lands were taken up for four government projects in Samarahan Division.
The cheques were presented at the Kota Samarahan Civic Centre here in a ceremony which was also attended by Sarawak Land and Survey Department director Datu Abdullah Julaihi.
In his speech, Awang Tengah, who is also Second Minister of Natural Resources and Urban Development, said this compensation payment was made based on current rates and not only on the size of the land but also the plants and structures on the land.
“To ensure all projects intended for public use are implemented, we need to take back the land. This is unavoidable because not all the lands where we implement the projects are government land.
“But we do all this very carefully based on the provisions in the State Land Code according to Chapter 81 and Article 13 of the Federal Constitution,” he said.
Awang Tengah also said if there are landowners who are not satisfied with the amount of compensation received, they could refer to the court.
However, he said based on the Land and Survey Department’s assessment, the amount of compensation paid by the government is higher than its actual value.
Therefore, he hoped that the people realise that what the government is doing is to help them and that all projects are meant to benefit the people as a whole.
Meanwhile, Samarahan Division Land and Survey Department superintendent Mohammad Zunica Mohamad Sapi’ee said this compensation payment were for lands taken up by four projects.
The first project is the construction of Jalan Kampung Tegelam and Kampung Sungai Alit in Samarahan Division involving compensation payment of RM4,023,959.39 to 34 land owners.
The second project is the construction of Jalan Kampung Sungai Tanju/ Kampung Beliong to Kampung Lubok Kura (Samarahan sector) involving compensation worth RM157,268.35 to 20 land owners.
While the third project is the proposed construction of Package A Second Main Road, the proposed revision of the alignment of Package A2 (highway from Batang Sadong to Sebuyau) involving compensation of RM14,591,396.60 to 39 land owners.
The fourth project is the Kampung Reban Village Expansion Scheme, Samarahan, for which compensation is paid to 18 land owners worth RM1,298,278, he added.
Also present during the event were Muara Tuang assemblyman Datuk Idris Buang and advisor to the Sarawak Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Investment Datuk Mohd Naroden Majais.

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