

Landowners grateful for compensation, titles

Posted on 09 Mar 2023
Source of News: Sarawak Tribune
SIBU: Recipients of land compensation cheques and title deeds are grateful to the Sarawak government for recognising native rights over their Native Customary Rights (NCR) land.

They noted that these will among others prevent any dispute over land boundaries among each other.

Here are some thoughts of the recipients during the presentation of land compensation cheques and land title deeds by the Sibu Division Land and Survey Department which was officiated by Deputy Premier Datu Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan on Wednesday (March 8).

Tuai Rumah Pengehan Sagering, land title deed recipient

I would like to express my gratitude to the Sarawak government under Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).
We have waited for almost five years for this to happen. We are very grateful that now the land is legally ours.

Tuai Rumah Grempong Geramong, land title deed recipient

I actually applied for this quite some time ago even before I became Tuai Rumah (longhouse chief). Now I feel happy receiving this land title deed as this proves that the land is ours legally.
My advice to others out there is don’t be afraid to apply for this. It definitely will benefit us.
There is no such thing as government taking our land, instead, they are recognising our right.

Tuai Rumah Corina Jenipa, recipients of land compensation

I am so happy and grateful for the compensation given.
The process to apply is not that long and my plan is to save as well as to pay my children’s school expenses as the school will be reopening soon.
This is a blessing in disguise for me with the current economic condition.

Christmas Baji, recipient of land compensation

Getting compensation is very meaningful, especially to us who live in the rural area.
The government is honest and compensated for our land which is affected by a road upgrading project, hence not only do we get compensation for our land but our people who use the road daily will also benefit from the development.
So, don’t be afraid, the government is helping us through this initiative.

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